Wednesday, February 12

10 Powerful Prayers from Leaders throughout History

Heather Adams| Contributing
|: 27,

of is to , however rather to alter the of the one who .” – øren Kierkegaard

throughout , have actually turned to prayer to and . and from all strolls of have actually discovered , and by raising their issues to God.

Here is of 10 that grab something more. Each a to not get God's , however to end being a true blessing to others. And each of them advises that God us able and prepared to do that.

Let's these prayers to motivate us to in our and to more like Christ.

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1. George

First of the

Washington included this prayer in a to the states. exposes his desire the 's individuals to be knit by a for God and for each other. That perfect still uses to our households, our neighborhoods, and beyond, anywhere live.

now make it earnest prayer, that God would have , and the over which you administer, in His holy , that He would incline the hearts of the to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to , to amuse a brotherly love and love for one another, for their fellow of the at , and especially for their brethren who have actually served in the , and lastly, that He would most happily be pleased to dispose all of us, to do , to enjoy , and to demean ourselves with that , , and mood of , which were the of the Divine of our blessed faith, and without a modest replica of whose in these , we can never ever to be a pleased country.”

2. Cé E. ávez


a of the motion, Chavez had actually been dealt with unjustly, and others dealt with unjustly. As he looked for to bring , he desired to remain lined up with God. This prayer recommends that making our world much starts with making sure our hearts are.

me the of the most unpleasant so I will understand my individuals's predicament. me to wish others, for you exist in everyone. me take for my own life, so that I can be complimentary at last. me nerve to serve others, for in there holds true life. me sincerity and , so that the Spirit will live amongst us. Let the Spirit grow and grow, so that we will never ever tire of the .

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