Wednesday, February 12

Craftsmens from Yucatan continue dealing with UNESCO on the securing prepare for Mayan-Yucatecan embroidery

Artisans begin local preparing protecting in Yucatan, .

Valladolid, Yucatan– , ,

Embroiderers from Izamal, Hoctn, and Valladolid have actually started local workshops and with preparing a securing prepare for embroidery in of Yucatan, with UNESCO and part of theprojectimplemented in 12 with the of Banortes .

The consists of the , , and of SWOT (, , and ), of , of , propositions for and for the and of embroidery as , based upon the work formerly performed with over embroiderers from 26 , with whom participatory and were carried out throughout to determine the for the and of Yucatecan embroidery. This work was performed through local workshops on intangible heritage, and , and workshops on masculinities including almost a hundred .

On this , the local workshops hire embroiderers from the towns of Abal, Dzn, Hoctn, Izamal, , Muna, Oxkutzcab, Tahdzi, Teabo, Tekax, Tekit, and Valladolid, in to from different civil and governmental the of Yucatecan embroidery.

The consequently be in a state , with agents from towns, for preparing of the protecting that might add to the regional of the of and to -Yucatecan Embroidery as an Intangible of Yucatan, which will be talked about in the plenary of the Yucatan on .

Yucatecan embroidery is a symptom of living heritage that is practiced and transferred throughout the whole state, enhancing , and protecting through generational transmission.

The practice of embroidery is surrounded by considerable custom as consists of , , and discussions in the Maya that are still pertinent and in , , and throughout the neighborhoods process. This represents a chance to strengthen the conservation of its worths and foster in assistance of Yucatecan households.

TheUNESCO with embroiderersaddresses cultural and viewpoints to direct and enhancement, with the assistance of the Banorte Foundation, and the of the Ministry of and , the Ministry of , and the Yucatecan of the state .


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