Sunday, January 19

NFL Super Bowl Odds: Week 17

Saints out the formally. They now want to next and begin of who they to with what most likely be 10 . Here are how the Saints and their to the with the headed into 17 of the season, thanks to : NR. Orleans Saints: ELIMINATED (' chances: +100000) (Last week's : 23) 19659002 1. : +390 (+500) (3) 2. : +420 (+500) (4) 3. : +500 (+450) (1) 19659005 4. : +700 (+800) (5) 19659006 5. : +700 (+480) (2) 6. Bay : +1200 (+1300) (6) 19659008 7. : +1200 (+1300) (7) 8. : +2500 (+3400) (11) 19659010 9. : +4000 (+3000) (9) 10. : +4000 (+5000) (13) 13. : +4500 (+3300) (10) 15. : +9000 (+15000) (17) 19659014 NR. : Eliminated certain follow Street at 19659016 @SaintsCSC , “Like” us on at Chronicles , follow us on at @SaintsCSC , and make certain you' our 19659022 constantly, you can follow me on X at @Hayden_Reel ยป … Find out more