Sunday, January 19

Sainz suffers rollover in essential 48-hour Dakar phase

Sr' rolled over in very first part of the 's 48- , him in the .

The four- Dakar had actually begun the 2nd of 2025 in 8th however went him simply after midday in , .

According to gotten by , the was browsing sandy location at the exit of the when his Ford was reversed in a .

The occurrence happened 327km into the near-1000km , quickly after he had actually crossed the previous in 15th location.

His Ford -mate stopped on the to to Sainz.

A recorded by Dakar's organiser ASO revealed the of the and having actually sustained in the rollover.

More of the are still waited for.

The 62--old was ultimately able to the rally after losing 23 , however 's how much damage he is continuing his .

Dacia's Nasser -Attiyah was Stage 2 after the 325km , having actually jeopardized his on in to a more beneficial beginning for the 48-hour test.

More to follow

from Stage 2

In this short


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