Wednesday, February 12

Tag: bottle

Tattoo inks discovered to not match the active ingredients noted on the bottle
Science and Nature

Tattoo inks discovered to not match the active ingredients noted on the bottle

New research study from Binghamton University, State University of New York exposes that the chemicals noted on tattoo ink labels typically do not match what's in fact in the bottle. Credit: "My Rose Tattoo-- All bruised!" by ohsarahrose is certified under CC BY-SA 2.0. When you get a tattoo, do you understand what you're putting under your skin? According to brand-new Binghamton University research study, the active ingredient labels on tattoo ink do not match the real compounds in the bottle. Produced by the laboratory of Binghamton University Assistant Professor of Chemistry John Swierk, "What's in my ink: An analysis of industrial tattoo ink on the U.S. market" was just recently released in the journal Analyti...