Lovehoney Fifty Shades of Grey Greedy Girl Rabbit Vibrator Review: Basic Vibes
I’m not going to beat around the bush: Greedy Girl is a horrible name for a vibrator. It might look cute on a diner menu next to the “Hungry Man Special,” but as far as sex toys go, it’s pretty cringy. I also have strong opinions—and not good ones—about Fifty Shades of Grey. (Fun fact: It got BDSM relationships completely wrong, and that can be dangerous.)However, the entire book and film trilogy became a huge success, so much so that Lovehoney released a collection of sex toys inspired by the media, which author E.L. James even approved. While the hype surrounding Fifty Shades has died down, the collection is still popular, and the Greedy Girl Rabbit Vibrator, in particular, is a favorite, with almost 2,000 five-star reviews. I decided to try it to find out if it was worth its salt.Bigger...