Tuesday, February 11

Tag: Names

Don Daglow memorializes those we lost in the video game market

Don Daglow memorializes those we lost in the video game market

December 24, 2023 7:30 AM 750" height="558" src="https://venturebeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Memorial-list-opening.jpg?fit=750%2C558&strip=all" alt="Don Daglow keeps an In Memoriam list for the game industry."/> < img width="750"height ="558"src ="https://venturebeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Memorial-list-opening.jpg?fit=750%2C558&strip=all"alt ="Don Daglow keeps an In Memoriam list for the video game market."/ >Don Daglow keeps an In Memoriam list for the video game market.Image Credit: Don Daglow Do you wish to get the current video gaming market news directly to your inbox? Register for our day-to-day and weekly newsletters here As Don Daglow saw good friends and previous coworkers diing, he felt they must be kept in mind. Theref...