Tuesday, February 11

Tag: sci

Are we in the middle of a termination panic?
Artificial Intelligence

Are we in the middle of a termination panic?

If you've followed the news in the in 2015 or 2, you've no doubt heard a load about expert system. And depending upon the source, it normally goes one of 2 methods: AI is either the start of completion of human civilization, or a faster way to paradise. Who understands which of those 2 situations is nearer the fact, however the polarized nature of the AI discourse is itself intriguing. We're in a duration of fast technological development and political disturbance and there are lots of factors to stress over the course we're on-- that's something nearly everybody can concur with. How much concern is called for? And at what point should fret deepen into panic? To get some responses, I welcomed Tyler Austin Harper onto The Gray AreaHarper is a teacher of ecological research studies at Bates...