Severance Hid a Keanu Reeves Cameo in Its Season 2 Premiere
AFTER A THREE-YEAR wait, one of television's best and most eccentric shows has finally returned. The second season of Severance picks up—more or less—right where the thrilling first season left off. Well, kind of; it picks up right where things left off for the Innies, while we actually have no idea what's going on with the Outies. That kind of mystery is exactly what makes Severance so thrilling and unique, and it's what gives the whole show and every endeavor within it such an uncanny vibe—as much as we think we have an understanding of what might be going on, there's always another curtain waiting to be pulled back to reveal something entirely new. The second season premiere, titled "Hello, Ms. Cobel" picks up just about five months after the body-swapping of the first season's finale. ...