Wednesday, February 12

NASA Partnerships Bring 2024 Total Solar Eclipse to Everyone

Karen Northon

Apr 02,

, , and its commemorate marvels of the over , with the of in the , from Kerrville, , to Houlton, .

are crucial to NASA' into the 's , or , and the part of 's environment where occurs. They' likewise an inspiring chance the to get included, , and get in with our in .

On Monday, 8, NASA and its partners will commemorate the marvels of the overall as it passes over , with the course of totality in the , from Kerrville, Texas, to Houlton, Maine.

Maureen 'Brien

alliances and for NASA's of

Here are simply some NASA is dealing with partners to the in the overall solar eclipse.


Collaboration supervisor for NASA's Office of STEM Engagement

  • Crayola launched an eclipse-themed how-to video about the eclipse with an imaginative for trainees.
  • Education introduced an eclipse education obstacle to engage trainees and the general public in finding out more about and the eclipse.
  • will release a on eclipse security with to NASA resources.
  • Education will get delighted about area with eclipse resources on its PreK– 12 finding out .
  • launched a of complimentary interactive eclipse and LabXchange launched a brand-new eclipse knowing for trainees.

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